Open day at the Faculty of History

During the meeting, the Dean of the Faculty of History, Political Science and International Relations, Professor Mykola Kugutyak in the form of a visualized presentation described the features of specialties and educational programs of the Faculty: 014 Secondary Education (History), Читати далі


Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University Ihor Tsependa began his reflections on the topic “UNIVERSITY IN WAR CONDITIONS: SOLIDARITY, SUPPORT, DEVELOPMENT” with a story about the assistance provided by PNU to Russian universities affected by the aggression. Already in the Читати далі

University Day

On May 14, our university community celebrates two significant dates – the Day of the University and the Birthday of the famous Ukrainian writer, public figure and politician, patron of our University Vasyl Stefanyk.

Reporting scientific conference of students

On April 7, at 14:00, the department hosted a reporting scientific conference of students for 2021 online on the Goglee Meet platform. Interesting topics of scientific speeches of undergraduates and students were heard

Dear users of the Scientific Library of the Precarpathian National University! In order to ensure free access to publications, we remind you that the University has an E-library. With the help of the E-library, certain services are available to you. Читати далі

On March 14, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University resumes the educational process in the format of distance learning. Follow the electronic schedule. All instructions on how to set up this process have heads of departments. After the first days of Читати далі

GLORY TO UKRAINE! God, save Ukraine!!! Dear Ukrainians, we are losing our relatives every minute !!! Ukraine was last attacked by a horde !!! We are all, without exception, defenders of Ukraine, our original land, which has been destroyed by Читати далі